A high profile international company asked us to examine the background of a senior executive who was in dispute with the firm. Our investigation revealed a long history of fraud and deception, including lies about his background and experience, and uncovered evidence of a serious conflicts of interest in his business dealings.
A wealthy individual from the CIS region became suspicious about the motives of advisers administering their multi-million-pound investment portfolio. We examined the activities of the advisers and identified how their personal wealth had increased dramatically after they took over control of the client’s finances and how many of their personal investments had been secretly underwritten using the client’s funds. We built a large file of evidence and then worked with lawyers who were able to use this information to secure a multi-million pound out-of-court settlement.
We were engaged by lawyers involved in a long running business dispute and high-profile litigation. We compiled a detailed report on our client’s rival helping to explain his activities, behaviour and motivation. The evidence and information we gathered helped to shape the key questions and demands made by our client’s lawyers as they and their rivals prepared to fight it out in court.
An international businessman defaulted on a multi-million-dollar loan with one of the world’s largest banking groups and disappeared. We traced him to his new home and identified a series of valuable properties and other assets ultimately owned by him and then worked with the bank’s lawyers to pursue the debt.
Provided a detailed due diligence report for a major international sports club considering a partnership with a Russian-based gambling organisation, highlighting the owners’ source of wealth and links with senior politicians.
Played a key role in identifying and tracing computer hacker Rui Pinto who was behind the so-called Football Leaks - documents stolen from leading international football clubs and other organisations connected with the game. Pinto was later arrested, extradited and put on trial in Portugal.